1. Integrated self sustaining village development.
a) Adoption of village Umla for integrated sustainable development. 1994 to 1999.
b) Watershed Development Projects- 12 projects -Continue
2. Demonstration of ecological farming and integrated development approach in 46 villages. 1996 to 2005
3. Fabrication of Manual dehairing machine. 1998 to 2007
4. Improvised efficient water flour mills.
5. Solar vegetable and fruit dryers. 1996 to 2005
6. Passive solar Improved Green Houses-150-( 1998 continue
7. Passive solar houses 2003 continue
8. Passive solar poultry houses 2002 to 2008
9. Health programme- Control of Silicosis Distribution and sale of 6000 filtrate masks. 1993 continue
10. Handicraft and Hand loom development.
a) Training for vegetable dyeing
b) Designing Ladakhi pattern for Pashmina shawls.
11. Appropriate technology
1. Intergraded self sustaining village development- watershed development program.
2. Ecological agriculture farming.
3. Health programme.
4. Handicraft and handloom development.
5. Seminar conference and training.
6. Application of appropriate technologies.
7. Utilization of solar energy.
a) Promotion of Improved Green house.
b) Promotion of Passive solar house.
c) Solar Poultry house.
8. Pashmina development programmes.
9. Fruit and vegetable preservations-jam, juice, Apricot.
10. Marketing of Ecological products.
11. Biodiversity conservation.
12. Climate Change issues.
13. Consultancy services for green house, passive solar house construction, vegetable dyeing, pashmina fibre processing.
14. Supply of Poly sheets for green and passive solar houses.
15. Vegetable and fruit processing.